

Numerously was born from countless shopping escapades where things didn’t go as planned when in-store, many frustrations of attempting to use spreadsheet apps on an iPhone when on-the-go, and the lost opportunities of when a bright idea came to mind but the right multi-purpose thinking tool wasn’t handy.

Numerously is inspired by spreadsheets, calculators, to-do lists, note apps, and the visual simplicity of weather apps.

This app intends to provide a way with numbers for all to play.

Chris Cheung - May 22, 2021

The Team

Numerously app is a project by Mighty Dynamo Inc., a creative studio based in Toronto, Canada.

Mighty Dynamo Inc.

Chris Cheung, executive director

Alison Suen, user experience designer

Dogukan Karayilanoglu, principle developer

Special Contributors

Sculpin QA, quality assurance

Eric Mason, producer

LeeAnn Manon, advisor & beta tester

Valerie Leighton, motion graphic design

Rockey Chen, illustration

Semi Essessi, developer (proof-of-concept)

Michelle Yong, early design iterations